ALL OF Marc D. Hauser’s Articles
Below is a complete list of Marc’s articles. The most updated version can be found in this Google Doc.
2021- present
1. Hauser, M.D. (2021). How early life adversity transforms the learning brain. Mind, Brain & Education. 15(1): 35-47.
2. Froesel, M., Gacoin, M., Clavagnier, S, Hauser, M.D., Goudard, Q. & Ben Hamed, S. (2022). Socially meaningful visual context either enhances or inhibits vocalisation processing in the macaque brain. Nature 13, 4886 (2022).
2016- 2020
1. Hauser, MD (2016). Challenges to the what, when, and why? Review of Berwick and Chomsky's “Why only us.” Biolinguistics 10: 1-5.
2. Arutyunova, K.R., Alexandrov, Y.I. and Hauser, M.D. (2016). Sociocultural influences on moral judgments: East-West, Male-Female, and Young-Old. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1-15.
3. Hauser, M.D. (2017). The essential and inter-related components of an evidence-based IEP: a user’s guide. Teaching Exceptional Children, JULY/AUGUST, 420-428.
4. Hauser, M.D & Watumull, J. (2017). The universal generative faculty: the source of our expressive power in language, mathematics, morality, music and technology. Journal of Neurolinguistics: Special Issue on Evolution 43: 78-94.
5. Hauser, M.D., Berwick, R.C., Watumull, J. and Chomsky, N. (2016). Dogs process associations, not lexical or prosodic information. Science, September 13, 2016, online.
6. Hauser, M.D. (2017). Of mice and men, nature and nurture, and a few red herrings. Commentary on "The evolution of general intelligence." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
7. Hauser, M.D. (2018). The mind of a goal achiever: Using mental contrasting and implementation intentions to achieve better outcomes in general and special education. Mind, Brain and Education 12(3): 102-109.
9. Hauser, M.D. (2019). Patience! Assessing and strengthening self-control. Frontiers 4(25): 1-8.
10. Froesel, M., Goudard, Q., Hauser, M., Gacoin, M. and Ben Hamed, S. (2020). Automated video-based
heart rate tracking for the anesthetized and behaving monkey. Nature 10(17940): 1-11.
2011- 2015
Huebner, B. & Hauser, M.D. (2011). Moral judgments about self-sacrifice: when philosophical and folk intuitions clash. Philosophical Psychology 24: 73-94
Rogers, J. & Hauser, M.D. (2012). The use of formal language theory in studies of artificial language learning: a proposal for distinguishing the differences between human and nonhuman animal learners. In: Recursion and Human Language (e.d. H. van der Hulst), pp. 213-232, Amsterdam, Mouton de Gruyter.
Endress, A. & Hauser, M.D. (2011). The influence of type and token frequency on the acquisition of affixation patterns: Implications for language processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 37: 77-95
Hauser, M.D. (2011). The seeds of humanity. Tanner Lectures, Princeton. University of Utah Press
Samuels, B., Boeckx, C. & Hauser, M.D. (2012). Do animals have a universal grammar? A case study in phonology. In: The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar (Ed. I. Roberts). Oxford University Press.
Hauser, M.D. (2011). Hell’s angels: a runaway model of pathological altruism. In: Pathological Altruism (Eds., B. Oakley, A. Knafo, G. Madhavan, & D.S. Wilson). Oxford University Press.
Fraser, B. & Hauser, M.D. (2011). The argument from disagreement and the role of cross-cultural empirical data. Mind & Language 25: 541-560.
Hauser, M.D., Comins, J.A., Pytka, L.M., Cahill, D.P. & Velez-Calderon, S. (2011). What experimental experience affects dogs’ comprehension of communicative actions? Behavioural Processes 86: 7-20.
Hauser, M.D. (2013). Don’t run away from teaching pop culture. Education Week February 6 Issue.
Hauser, M.D. (2013). Cognition: phylogeny, adaptation, and by-products. In: Princeton Guide to Evolution (ed. J. Losos). Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Berwick, R.C Hauser, MD & Tatersall, I (2013). Neanderthal language? Just-so stories take center stage. Frontiers in Language Sciences 4:1-2.
Watumull, J, Hauser, MD & Berwick, RC (2014). Comparative evolutionary approaches to language: on theory and methods. Biolinguistics 8: 120-129.
Watumull, J., Hauser, MD, Roberts, IG & Hornstein, N (2014). On recursion. Frontiers in Language Sciences 4: 1-7.
Watumull, J, & Hauser, MD (2014). Conceptual and empirical problems with game theoretic approaches to language evolution. Frontiers in Psychology 5: 1-4.
Hauser, MD, Yang, C., Berwick, RC, Tatersall, I., Ryan, M., Watumull, J, Chomsky, N & Lewontin, RC (2014). The mystery of language evolution. Frontiers in Language Sciences 5(401): 1-12.
Hauser, M.D., Cushman, F., Young, L., Jin, R.J. & Mikhail, J. (2007). A dissociation between moral judgments and justifications. Mind & Language 22: 1-21.
Sproul, C., Palleroni, A. & Hauser, M.D.(2007). Cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) alarm calls contain sufficient information for recognition of individual identity. Animal Behaviour 72: 1379-1385
Hauser, M.D., Young, L., & Cushman, F. (2007). Reviving Rawls’ linguistic analogy: operative principles and the causal structure of moral actions. In: Moral Psychology and Biology (Ed. W. Sinnott-Armstrong). Oxford University Press.
Young, L., Cushman, F., Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., & Hauser, M.D. (2007). Does emotion mediate the relationship between an action’s moral status and its intentional status? Neuropsychological evidence. Journal of Culture and Cognition 6: 291-305.
Cushman, F., Young, L. & Hauser, M.D.(2006). The role of conscious reasoning and intuition in moral judgments: testing three principles of harm. Psychological Science 17: 1082-1089.
Hauser, M.D. (2006). What’s fair? The unconscious calculus of our moral faculty. In: Evolution of Fairness (ed. C. Frith and T. Singer), pp 41-55, Chichester, UK, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hauser, M.D. & Spaulding, B. (2006). Wild rhesus monkeys generate causal inferences about possible and impossible physical transformations in the absence of experience. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103: 7181-7185.
Gil da Costa, R. & Hauser, M.D. (2006). Vervet monkeys and humans show brain asymmetries for processing conspecific vocalizations, but with opposite patterns of laterality. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences.
Rosati, A.G., Stevens, J.R. & Hauser, M.D. 2006. The effect of handling time on temporal discounting in two New World primates. Animal Behaviour 71: 1379-1387.
Wood, J.N., Hauser, M.D., Glynn, D.D. & Barner, D. (2008). Free-ranging rhesus monkeys spontaneously individuate and enumerate small numbers of nonsolid portions. Cognition 106: 207-221.
Hauser, M.D. 2006. The liver and the moral organ. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1(3): 214-220.
Koenigs, M., Young, L., Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., Cushman, F., Hauser, M.D., & Damasio, A. (2007). Damage to the prefrontal cortex increases utilitarian moral judgments. Nature 446: 908-911.
Egnor, R.E., Wickelgren, J.G. & Hauser, M.D. (2007). Tracking silence: adjusting vocal production to avoid acoustic interference. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 193: 477-483.
Egnor, R.E., Iguina, C.G., Hauser, M.D. (2006). Perturbation of auditory feedback causes systematic perturbation in vocal structure in adult cotton-top tamarins. J. Exp. Biol. 209: 3652-3663.
Hauser, M.D. & Fehr, E. (2007). An incentive solution to the problem of peer-review. Public Library of Science, Biology 5: 107.
Hauser, M.D. (2007). When males call, females listen: sex differences in responsiveness to rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta, copulation calls. Animal Behaviour 73: 1059-1065.
Young, L., Cushman, F., Hauser, M.D., & Saxe, R., (2007). The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 104: 8235-8240.
Rosati, A.G., Stevens, J.R., Hare, B., & Hauser, M.D. (2007). The evolutionary origins of human patience: temporal preferences in chimpanzees, bonobos, and human adults. Current Biology 17: 1663-1668.
Wilson, M.L., Hauser, M.D. & Wrangham, R.W. (2007). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) modify grouping and vocal behaviour in response to location-specific risk. Behaviour 144: 1621-1653.
Stevens, J.R., Wood, J.N. & Hauser, M.D. (2007). When quantity trumps number: discrimination experiments in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and common marmosets (Callitrix jacchus). Animal Cognition 10: 429-437.
Hauser, M.D. (2007). Q&A interview. Current Biology 17: 491-493.
Wood, J.N, Glynn, D.D. & Hauser, M.D. (2007). The uniquely human capacity to throw evolved from a non-throwing primate: an evolutionary dissociation between action and perception. Biology Letters 3: 360-364.
Hauser, M.D. & Santos, L.R. (2007). The evolutionary ancestry of our understanding of tools: from percepts to concepts. In: Creations of the Mind (eds. E. Margolis & S. Lawrence), pp. 267-288, NY: Oxford University Press.
Hauser, M.D., Glynn, D.D. & Wood, J.N. (2007). Rhesus monkeys correctly read the goal-relevant gestures of a human agent. Proceedings of the Royal Society 274: 1913-1918.
Wood, J.N., Glynn, D., Phillips, B.C. & Hauser, M.D. (2007). The perception of rational action in nonhuman primates. Science 317: 1402-1405.
Dwyer, S. & Hauser, M.D. (2008). Dupoux and Jacob’s moral instincts: throwing out the baby, the bathwater, and the bathtub. Trends in Cognitive Science 12:1-2.
Hauser, M.D. (2010). Of obfuscation, obscurantism, and opacity: evolving conceptions of the faculty of language. In: Language Evolution (Ed. R. Larson). Oxford University Press.
Saffran, J., Hauser, M.D., Seibel, R., Kapfhamer, J., Tsao, F., & Cushman, F. (2008). Grammatical pattern learning by human infants and cotton-top tamarin monkeys. Cognition 307: 479-500.
Hauser, M.D. (2008). Evolingo: the nature of the language faculty. In: Of Minds and Language: The Basque Country Encounter with Noam Chomsky. (Ed. M. Paittelli-Palmerini, J. Uriagereka, & P. Salaburu).
Hauser, M.D. (2008). The illusion of biological variation: a minimalist approach to mind. In: Of Minds and Language: The Basque Country Encounter with Noam Chomsky. (Ed. M. Paittelli-Palmerini, J. Uriagereka, & P. Salaburu).
Barner, D., Wood, J., Hauser, M.D., & Carey, S. 2008. Evidence for a non-linguistic distinction between singular and plural sets in rhesus monkeys. Cognition 107: 603-622.
Belin, P., Fecteau, S., Charest, I., Nicastro, N., Hauser, M.D. & Armony, J.L. (2007). Human cerebral response to animal affective vocalizations. Proceedings of the Royal Society 275: 473-481.
Hauser, M.D. (September 2008). Is morality nature’s gift? Newsweek.
Versace, E., Endress, A. & Hauser, M.D. (2008). Pattern recognition mediates flexible timing of vocalizations in a nonhuman primate: Experiments with cotton top tamarins. Animal Behaviour 76: 1885-1892.
Hauser, M.D. & Bever, T.G. (2008). A biolinguistic agenda. Science 322: 1057-1059.
Wood, J.N., Glynn, D. & Hauser, M.D. (2008). Rhesus monkeys’ understanding of goals and actions. Social Neuroscience 3(1): 60-68.
Wood, J.N. & Hauser, M.D. (2008). Action comprehension in nonhuman primates: motor simulation or inferential reasoning? Trends in Cognitive Science 12: 461-465.
Koenigs, M., Young, L.A., Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., Cushman, F., Hauser, M.D., & Damasio, A. (2008). Do abnormal responses show utilitarian bias? A Reply. Nature 452: E5-E6.
Huebner, B., Dwyer, S. & Hauser, M.D. (2009). The role of emotion in moral psychology. Trends in Cognitive Science 13(1): 1-6.
Stevens, J.R. & Hauser, M.D. (2009). Social interaction effects on reward and cognitive abilities in monkeys. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 9: 49-58.
Banerjee, K., Chabris, C.F., Johnson, V.E., Lee, J.J., Tsao, F. & Hauser, M.D. (2009). General intelligence in another primate: Individual differences across cognitive task performance in a New World monkey (Saguinus oedipus). PLoS-One.
Schachner, A., Brady, T.F., Pepperberg, I.M., & Hauser, M.D. (2009). Spontaneous motor entrainment to music in multiple vocal mimicking species. Current Biology 19: 1-6.
Hauser, M.D. (2009). The possibility of impossible cultures. Nature 460: 190-196.
Hauser, M.D., Tonnaer, F., & Cima, M. (2009). When moral intuitions are immune to the law: a case study of euthanasia and the act-omission distinction. Journal of Cognition and Culture 9: 149-169.
Dwyer, S., Huebner, B. & Hauser, M.D. (2010). The linguistic analogy: motivations, results, and speculations. Topics in Cognitive Science 2(3): 486-510.
Hauser, M.D. (2009). The origins of the mind. Scientific American, September 44-51.
Endress, A., Cahill, D., Block, S., Watumull, J. & Hauser, M.D. (2009). Evidence of an evolutionary precursor to human language affixation in a nonhuman primate. Biology Letters 5: 749-751.
Hauser, M.D. & Wood, J.N. (2010). Evolving the capacity to understand actions, intentions and goals. Annual Review of Psychology 61: 13-22
Glenn, A.L., Raine, A., Schug, R.A., Young, L.A., & Hauser, M.D. (2009). Increased DLPFC activity during moral decision-making in psychopathy. Molecular Psychiatry 14: 908-911.
McAuliffe, K. & Hauser, M.D. (2010). The evolutionary foundations of morality. In: The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, (ed by M. Breed). Elsevier.
Hauser, M.D., McAuliffe, K. & Blake, P. (2009). Evolving the ingredients for reciprocity and spite. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 364: 3255-3266.
Vouloumanos, A., Hauser, M.D., Werker, J.F. & Martin, A. (2009). The tuning of human neonates’ preference for speech. Child Development 81: 517-527.
Endress, A. & Hauser, M.D. (2009). Syntax-induced deafness. PNAS 106: 21001-21006.
Vouloumanos, A., Druhen, M.J., Hauser, M.D., & Huizink, A.T. (2009). Five-month-old infants’ identification of the sources of vocalizations. PNAS 106: 18867-18872.
Hauser, M.D. & Glynn, D. (2009). Can free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) extract artificially created rules comprised of natural vocalizations? Journal of Comparative Psychology 123: 161-167.
Abarbanell, L. & Hauser, M.D. (2010). Mayan morality: an exploration of permissible harms. Cognition 115: 207-224.
Cima, M., Tonnaer, F., & Hauser, M.D. (2010). Psychopaths know right from wrong but don’t care. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience 5: 59-67.
Crockett, M., Clark, L., Hauser, M.D., & Robbins, T. (2010). Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 17433-17438.
Huebner, B., Hauser, M.D., & Pettit, P. (2010). How the source, inevitability, and means of bringing about harm interact in folk moral judgment. Mind & Language 26: 210-233.
Endress, A., Carden, S., Versace, E., & Hauser, M.D. (2009). The ape’s edge: positional learning in chimpanzees and humans. Animal Cognition 13: 483-495.
Pyssiainen, I. & Hauser, M.D. (2010). The origins of religion: evolved adaptation or by-product. Trends in Cognitive Science 14: 104-109.
Huebner, B., Lee, J.J. & Hauser, M.D. (2010). The moral-conventional distinction in mature moral competence. Journal of Cognition and Culture 10: 1-26.
Young, L., Bechara, A., Tranel, D., Damasio, H., Hauser, M. & Damasio, A. (2010). Damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex impairs judgment of harmful intent. Neuron 65 (6): 845-851.
Young, L., Camprodon, J., Hauser, M., Pascual-Leone, A. & Saxe, R. (2010). Disruption of the right temporo-parietal junction with transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgments. PNAS 107(15): 6753-6758.
Endress, A. Hauser, M.D. (2010). Word segmentation with universal prosodic cues. Cognitive Psychology 61: 177-199.
Hickock, G. & Hauser, M.D. (2010). (Mis)understanding mirror neurons. Current Biology 20 (14) R593-R594.
Ghazanfar, A.A., J.T. Flombaum, C.T. Miller, & M.D. Hauser. (2001). The units of perception in the antiphonal calling behavior of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus): Playback experiments with long calls. Journal of Comparative Physiology, A. 187: 27-35.
Hauser, M.D., Newport, E.L. & Aslin, R.N. (2001). Segmentation of the speech stream in a nonhuman primate: Statistical learning in cotton-top tamarins Cognition 78: B53-B64.
Hauser, M.D. and Akre, K. (2001). Asymmetries in the timing of facial and vocal expressions in rhesus monkeys: Implications for hemispheric specialization. Animal Behaviour 61:391-408.
Sulkowski, G & Hauser, M.D. (2001). Can rhesus monkeys spontaneously subtract? Cognition 79: 239-262.
Hauser, M.D., Miller, C.T., Liu, K. & Gupta, R. (2001). Cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) fail to show mirror-guided self-recognition. American Journal of Primatology 53: 131-137.
Munakata, Y., Santos, L., O’Reilly, R., Hauser, M.D., & Spelke, E.S. (2001). Visual representation in the wild: how rhesus monkeys parse objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 13(1): 44-58.
Weiss, D., Kralik, J., & Hauser, M.D. (2001). Face processing in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus). Animal Cognition 4: 191-205.
Hauser, M.D., Williams, T., Kralik, J.D., & Moskovitz, D. (2001). What guides a search for food that has disappeared? Experiments on cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Journal of Comparative Psychology 115(2): 140-151.
Miller, C.T., Dibble, E., & Hauser, M.D. (2001). Amodal completion of acoustic signals in a nonhuman primate. Nature Neuroscience 4(8): 783-784.
Wilson, M.L., Hauser, M.D. & Wrangham, R.W. (2001). Does participation in cooperative intergroup conflict depend on numerical assessment, range location or rank for wild chimpanzees? Animal Behaviour 61: 1203-1216.
Hauser, M.D. (2001). Searching for food in the wild: A nonhuman primate’s expectations about invisible displacement. Developmental Science 4: 84-93.
Weiss, D., Garibaldi, B. & Hauser, M.D. (2001). The production and perception of long calls by cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus): Acoustic analyses and playback experiments.. Journal of Comparative Psychology 115: 258-271
Uller, C., Hauser, M.D., & Carey, S. (2001). Spontaneous representation of number in cotton-top tamarins. Journal of Comparative Psychology 115: 248-257.
Weiss, D. & Hauser, M.D. (2002). Perception of harmonics in the long call of cotton-top tamarins
(Saguinus oedipus). Animal Behaviour, 64: 415-426
Fitch, W.T. & Hauser, M.D. (2002). Unpacking honesty: Generating and extracting information from acoustic signals. In: Animal Communication (Ed. A. Megala-Simmons & A. Popper). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Weiss, D., Ghazanfar, A., Miller, C.T. & Hauser, M.D. (2002). Specialized processing of primate facial and vocal expressions: Evidence for cerebral asymmetries. In: Cerebral Vertebrate Lateralization (eds. L. Rogers & R. Andrews), pp. 480-530, New York, Cambridge University Press.
Kralik, J.D. and Hauser, M.D. (2001). A nonhuman primate’s perception of object relations: Experiments with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus). Animal Behaviour, 63: 419-435.
Santos, L.R., Hauser, M.D. & Spelke, E.S. (2001). Recognition and categorization of biologically significant objects in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): The domain of food. Cognition 82: 127-155.
Santos, L.R., Hauser, M.D. & Spelke, E.S. (2002). Domain-specific knowledge in human children and non-human primates: Artifact and food kinds. In: The Cognitive Animal. (Eds. M. Bekoff, C. Allen & G. Burghardt). Pp. 205-216, Cambridge: MIT Press.
Le Prell, C.G., Hauser, M.D. & Moody, D.B. (2002). Discrete or graded variation within rhesus monkey screams? Psychophysical experiments on classification. Animal Behaviour 63:47-62
Miller, C.T., Miller, J., Gil-da-Costa, R., & Hauser, M.D. (2001). Selective phonotaxis by cotton-top tamarins (Sagunius oedipus). Behaviour 138:811-826.
DeIpolyi, A., Hauser, M.D. & Santos, L.R. (2001). The role of landmarks in cotton-top tamarin spatial foraging: Evidence for geometric and non-geometric features. Animal Cognition 4:99-108.
Kralik, J.D., Hauser, M.D., & Zimlicki, R. (2001). The relationship between problem solving and inhibitory control: Cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) performance on a reversed contingency task. Journal of Comparative Psychology 116: 39-50
Hauser, M.D. (2001). What’s so special about speech. In: Language, Brain and Cogntive Development: Essays in honor of Jacques Mehler., Ed. E. Dupoux. Cambridge: MIT Press
Feigenson, L., Carey, S., & Hauser, M. D. (2002).The representations underlying infants’ choice of more: object files versus analog magnitudes. Psychological Science,13, 150-156.
Hauser, M.D., Santos, L., Spaepen, G. & Pearson, H.E. (2002). Problem solving, inhibition, and domain-specific experience: Experiments on cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Animal Behaviour, 64: 387-396.
Ghazanfar, A., Smith-Rohrberg, D. & Hauser, M.D. (2001). The role of temporal cues in rhesus monkey vocal recognition: orienting asymmetries to reversed calls. Brain, Behavior & Evolution, 58: 163-172.
Santos, L.R. and Hauser, M.D. (2002). A nonhuman primate’s understanding of solidity: Dissociations between seeing and acting. Developmental Science, 5: F1-F7.
Ghazanfar, A.A. and Hauser, M.D. (2001). The auditory behaviour of primates: A neuroethological perspective. Current Opinions in Neurobiology 11: 712-720.
Ghazanfar AA, Smith-Rohrberg D, Pollen A, and Hauser MD (2002) Temporal cues in the antiphonal calling behaviour of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Animal Behaviour, 64: 427-438.
Santos, L.R., Sulkowski, G., Spaepen, G.M. and Hauser, M.D. (2002). Object individuation using property/kind information in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Cognition 83: 241-264.
Hauser, M.D., Pearson, H. & Seelig, D. (2002). Ontogeny of tool use in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus): Innate recognition of functionally relevant features. Animal Behaviour, 64: 299-311.
Hauser, M.D., Dehaene, S., Dehaene-Lambertz, G. & Patalano, A. (2002). Spontaneous number discrimination of multi-format auditory stimuli in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus Oedipus). Cognition 86: B23-B32
Hauser, M.D., Chomsky, N. & Fitch, W.T. (2002). The faculty of language: what is it, who has it, and how did it evolve? Science 298: 1569-1579.
Hauser, M.D. (2002). Nature vs Nurture redux. Science 298: 1554-1555.
Tomb, I, Hauser, M.D., Caramazza, A., Deldin, P. (2002). Do somatic markers mediate decisions on the gambling task? Nature Neuroscience 5: 1103-1104.
Gil da Costa, R., Palleroni, A., Hauser, M.D., Touchton, J. & Kelley, P. (2003). Howler monkeys show rapid learning of ‘predator’ assessment calls’ by harpy eagles. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B 270: 605-610
Hauser, M.D. & Carey, S. (2003). Spontaneous representations of small numbers of objects by rhesus macaques: Examinations of content and format. Cognitive Psychology 47: 367-401
Palleroni, A. & Hauser, M.D. (2003). Experience-dependent plasticity for auditory processing in a predatory bird. Science 299: 1185.
Hauser, M.D. and Wrangham, R.W. (2003). Of straw men and their red herrings. A commentary on Ehrlich and Feldman. Current Anthropology.
Hauser, M.D. (2003). To innovate or not to innovate? That is the question. In: Animal Innovations (eds. K. Laland & S. Reader). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hauser, M.D. & Fitch, W.T. (2003). What are the uniquely human components of the language faculty? In: Language Evolution: State of the Art. (Eds., M. Christiansen & S. Kirby), pp. 158-181, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hauser, M.D., Tsao, F., Garcia, P. & Spelke, E.S. (2003). Evolutionary foundations of number: spontaneous representations of numerical magnitudes by cotton-top tamarins. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B 270: 1441-1446.
Hauser, M.D. & McDermott, J. (2003). The evolution of the music faculty: A comparative perspective. Nature Neuroscience 6: 663-668
Miller, C.T. and Hauser, M.D. (2004). Multiple acoustic features underlie vocal signal recognition in tamarins: antiphonal calling experiments. Journal of Comparative Physiology, A.190: 7-19
Miller, C.T., Flusberg, S. & Hauser, M.D. (2003). Interruptibility of long call production in tamarins: implications for vocal control. Journal of Experimental Biology. 206: 2629-2639.
Hauser, M.D., Chen, K., Chen, F., and Chuang, E. (2003). Give unto others: genetically unrelated cotton-top tamarin monkeys preferentially give food to those who give food back. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B 270: 2363-2370.
Santos, L.R., Miller, C.T., & Hauser, M.D. (2003). Representing tools: how two nonhuman primate species distinguish between the functionally relevant and irrelevant features of tools. Animal Cognition 6: 269-281
Hauser, M.D. (2003). Knowing about knowing: dissociations between perception and actions systems over evolution and in development. Annual New York Academy of Sciences 1: 1-25.
Hauser, M.D. and Spelke, E.S. (2004). Evolutionary and developmental foundations of human knowledge: a case study of mathematics. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences III (ed. M. Gazzaniga). Cambridge: MIT Press.
Jordan, K, Weiss, D., Hauser, M.D., McMurray, B. (2004). Antiphonal responses to loud contact calls by cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). International Journal of Primatology 25: 465-475
Fitch, W.T. & Hauser, M.D. (2004). Computational constraints on syntactic processing in nonhuman primates. Science 303: 377-380.
Stevens, J. & Hauser, M.D. (2004). Why be nice? Psychological constraints on the evolution of cooperation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8: 60-65
Stevens, J. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Cooperative brains: Psychological constraints on the evolution of altruism. In: Dehaene, S., Duhamel, J-R., Hauser, M.D., and Rizzolatti, G. From Monkey Brain to Human Brain. Cambridge, MIT Press.
Newport, E.L., Hauser, M.D., Spaepen, G., & Aslin, R.N. (2004). Learning at a distance: II. Statistical learning of non-adjacent dependencies in a nonhuman primate. Cognitive Psychology 49: 85-117.
Hauser, M.D. (2004). A universal moral voice. Chronicle of Higher Education.
Miller, C.T., Scarl, J. and Hauser, M.D. (2004). Sensory biases underlie sex differences in tamarin long call structure. Animal Behaviour 68: 713-720.
Tincoff, R., Hauser, M.D., Tsao, F., Spaepen, G., Ramus, F., & Mehler. (2005). Language discrimination based on rhythmic cues: Further experiments on cotton-top tamarins. Developmental Science 8: 26-35.
Miller, C.T., Iguina, C., & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Processing vocal signals for recognition during antiphonal calling: experiments with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Animal Behaviour 69: 1387-1398.
McDermott, J. & Hauser, M.D. (2004). Are consonant intervals music to their ears? Spontaneous acoustic preferences in a nonhuman primate. Cognition 94: B11-B21.
Chen, K. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Modeling Reciprocation and Cooperation in Primates: Evidence for a Punishing Strategy. Journal of Theoretical Biology 235: 5-12.
Fitch, W.T., Hauser, M.D., & Chomsky, N. (2005).The evolution of the language faculty: clarifications and implications [Reply to Pinker & Jackendoff]. Cognition 97: 179-210.
Flombaum, J., Junge, J. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) spontaneously compute large number addition operations. Cognition 97:315-325.
Gil-da-Costa, R., Braun, A., Lopes, M., Hauser, M.D., Carson, R.E., Herscovitch, P. & Martin, A. (2004). Toward an evolutionary perspective on conceptual representation: species-specific calls activate visual and affective processing systems in the macaque. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101: 17516-17521.
McDermott, J. and Hauser, M.D. (2005). The origins of music: innateness, development, and evolution. Music Perception 23: 29-59.
Gifford, G.W. III, MacLean, K.A, Hauser, M.D., & Cohen, Y. (2005). The neurophysiology of functionally meaningful categories: macaque ventrolateral prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in spontaneous categorization of species-specific vocalizations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27: 1471-1482.
Palleroni, A., Miller, C.T., Hauser, M.D., & Marler, P. (2005). Speed kills: hunting strategies in peregrine falcons and adaptive colouration in pigeons. Nature.
Santos, L.R., Rosati, A., Sproul, C., Spaulding, B. & Hauser, M.D.(2005). Means-means-end tool choice in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus): finding the limits on primates’ knowledge of tools. Animal Cognition 8: 236-246.
Palleroni, A., Hauser, M.D.& Marler, P. (2005). Do responses of galliform birds vary adaptively with predator size? Animal Cognition 8: 200-210.
Hauser, M.D. (2005). Beyond the chimpanzee genome: the threat of extinction. Science 309: 1498-1499.
Hauser, M.D. (2005). Our chimpanzee mind. Nature 437: 60-63.
Spaulding, B. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). What experience is required for acquiring tool competence: Experiments with two callitrichids. Animal Behaviour 70: 517-526.
Stevens, J.R., Rosati, A., Ross, K. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Will travel for food: spatial discounting in New World monkeys. Current Biology 15: 1865-1860.
Hauser, M.D. & Singer, P. (2005). Morality without religion. Project Syndicate, December.
Stevens, J.R., Cushman, F.A. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Evolving the psychological mechanisms of cooperation. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 36: 409-518.
Hauser, M.D. (2005). Sunstein’s heuristics provide insufficient descriptive and explanatory adequacy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Santos, L.R., Pearson, H., Spaepen, G., Tsao, F. & Hauser, M.D. (2005). Probing the limits of tool competence: Experiments with two non-tool using species (Cercopithecus aethiops and Saguinus oedipus). Animal Cognition, online.
Cohen, Y.E., Hauser, M.D. & Russ, B.E. (2005). Spontaneous processing of abstract categorical information in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Biology Letters, 2: 261-265
Stevens, J.R., Hallinan, E.V., and Hauser, M.D. 2005. The ecology and evolution of patience in two New World primates. Biology Letters 1:223-226.
NOTE: The following publication in 2002 was retracted in 2010: Hauser, M.D., Weiss, D., and Marcus, G. (2002). Rule learning by cotton-top tamarins. Cognition 86: B15-B22. An independent replication of this work was published in 2013 by J. Neiworth using the same species and methods: Neiworth, J.J. (2013). Chasing sounds. Behavioral Processes 93: 111-115.
Hauser, M.D. 1996. Vocal communication in macaques: Causes of variation. In: Evolutionary ecology and behavior of macaques (eds.) J. Fa and D. Lindburg. (pp. 551-578), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hauser, M.D. (1996). Nonhuman primate vocal communication. Handbook of Acoustics (ed. M. Cochran). J. Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hauser, M.D., MacNeilage, P. and Ware, M. (1996). Numerical representations in primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93: 1514-1517.
Hauser, M.D. and Sakata, J. (1996). A worthy enterprise injured by overinterpretation and misrepresentation. Commentary on: Muller, R-A. 1996. Innateness, autonomy, universality? Neurobiological approaches to language. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(4): 638.
Hrdy, S.B., Rodman, P., Charnov, E.L., Seger, J., Hawkes, K., Emlen, S.T., Foster, S.A., Gowaty, P.A., Haig, D., Hauser, M.D., Jacobs, L.F., Smuts, B.B. (1996). Sociobiology's success. Science 274: 162-163.
Hauser, M.D. (1997). Math without words. Natural History 9: 52-55.
Hauser, M.D. (1997). Minding the behavior of deception. In: Machiavellian Intelligence II. (eds. A. Whiten & R.W. Byrne). pp. 112-143. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hauser, M.D. (1997) Tinkering with minds from the past. In: Characterizing the Human Psychological Adaptation (ed.) M. Daly, G. Bock & G. Cardew, (pp. 95-131) Ciba Fnd. Conference Proceedings, London.
Hauser, M.D. (1997). Artifactual kinds and functional design features: What a primate understands without language. Cognition 64: 285-308.
Hauser, M.D. and Kralik, J. (1997). Life beyond the mirror: A reply to Anderson and Gallup. Animal Behaviour 54: 1564-1571.
Hauser, M.D. (1998). Games primates play. Discover, September.
Hauser, M.D. and Carey, S. (1998). Building a cognitive creature from a set of primitives: Evolutionary and developmental insights. In: The Evolution of Mind (eds.) C. Allen and D. Cummins. (pp. 51-106). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lee, P.C. and Hauser, M.D. (1998). Long-term consequences of changes in territory quality on feeding and reproductive strategies of vervet monkeys. Journal of Animal Ecology 67: 347-358.
Hauser, M.D. (1998). Functional referents and acoustic similarity: Field playback experiments with rhesus monkeys. Animal Behaviour 55: 1647-1658.
Hauser, M.D., Agnetta, B. and Perez, C. (1998). Orienting asymmetries in rhesus monkey vocalizations: The effect of time-domain changes on acoustic perception. Animal Behaviour 56: 41-47.
Hauser, M.D. (1998). In search of uniqueness. Developmental Science 1: 20-22.
Hauser, M.D. (1998). Expectations about object motion and destination: Experiments with a nonhuman primate. Developmental Science 1: 31-38.
Hauser, M.D. and Fitch, W.T. (1998). Reidentification and redescription. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21: 74-75
Fitch, W.T. & Hauser, M.D. (1998). Differences that make a difference: Do locus equations result from physical principles characterizing all mammalian vocal tracts? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 21: 264-265
Uller, C. Xu, F., Carey, S. and Hauser, M.D. (1997). Is language needed for constructing sortal concepts? A study with nonhuman primates. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development 21:665-677.
Hood, B.M., Hauser, M.D., Anderson, L. and Santos, L. (1999). Gravity biases in a nonhuman primate? Developmental Science 2: 35-41.
Hauser, M.D., Kralik, J. & Botto-Mahan, C. (1999). Problem solving and functional design features: Experiments with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Animal Behaviour 57: 565-582.
Hauser, M.D. (1999). Perseveration, inhibition, and the prefrontal cortex: A new look. Current Opinion in Neurobiology: Special Issue on Cognitive Neuroscience (M. Gallagher & D. Schacter, eds.), volume 9: 214-222.
Hauser, M.D. (1999). Primate representations and expectations: Mental tools for navigating in a social world. In: Developing Theories of Intention: Social Understanding and Self-Control (Eds. P. Zelazo, J. Astington & D. Olson). (pp. 169-194) Hillsdale, Erlbaum.
Santos, L. R., Ericson, B., & Hauser, M.D. (1999). Constraints on problem solving and inhibition: object retrieval in cotton-top tamarins. Journal of Comparative Psychology 113: 1-8.
Hauser, M.D. (1999). Primate cognition. In: MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences (Eds. R.A. Wilson & F.C. Keil). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Hauser, M.D. & Marler, P. (1999). Animal communication. In: MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences (Eds. R.A. Wilson & F.C. Keil). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Ghazanfar, A. & Hauser, M.D. (1999). The neuroethology of primate vocal communication: substrates for the evolution of speech. Trends in Cognitive Science 3: 377-384.
Locke, J.L. & Hauser, M.D. (1999). Sex and status effects on primate talkativeness: Cues to the origins of vocal languages? Evolution and Human Behavior 20: 151-158.
Santos, L.R. and Hauser, M.D. (1999). How monkeys see the eyes: cotton-top tamarins' reaction to changes in visual attention and action. Animal Cognition 2: 131-139
Hauser, M.D. (1999). The evolution of a lopsided brain: Asymmetries underlying facial and vocal expressions in nonhuman primates. In: The Design of Animal Communication (Eds. M. Hauser & M. Konishi), pp. 597-628. Cambridge, MIT Press.
Hauser, M.D. (2000). Apes, Morals, and Us. Discover, January.
Hauser, M.D. (2000). The sound and the fury: Primate vocalizations as reflections of emotion and thought. In: N. Wallin, B. Merker & S. Brown (eds.). The origins of music. (pp. 77-102) MIT Press.
Hauser, M.D. (2000). What do animals think about numbers? American Scientist, March-April, 144-151.
Ramus, F., Hauser, M.D., Miller, C.T., Morris, D. & Mehler, J. (2000). Language discrimination by human newborns and cotton-top tamarin monkeys. Science 288: 349-351
Hauser, M.D., Carey, S. and Hauser, L.B. (2000). Spontaneous number representation in semi-free-ranging rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 267: 829-833.
Hauser, M.D. (2000). A homology for numerical memory span? Trends in Cognitive Science 4: 127-128.
Hauser, M.D. (2000). A primate dictionary? Decoding the meaning and function of another species’ vocalizations. Cognitive Science 24, 445-475.
Hauser, M.D. (2000). A lover’s embarrassment? In: Behind the Dolphin’s Smile: Remarkable Accounts of Animal Emotions. (Ed. M. Bekoff), New York: Discovery Books, Random House.
Hauser, M.D. 1991. Sources of acoustic variation in rhesus macaque vocalizations. Ethology. 89: 29-46.
Hauser, M.D. 1991. If you've got it, why not flaunt it? Monkeys with Broca's area but no syntactical structure to their vocal utterances. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14: 564-586.
Hauser, M.D. and Nelson, D. 1991 "Intentional" signaling in animal communication. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 6(6): 186-189.
Hauser, M.D. and Fowler, C. 1992. Declination in fundamental frequency is not unique to human speech: evidence from nonhuman primates. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 91: 363-369.
Hauser, M.D., Perry, S., Manson, J., Ball, H., Williams, M., Pearson, E. and Berard, J. 1991. It's all in the hands of the beholder: New data on handedness in a free-ranging population of rhesus macaques. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14: 342-344.
Allen, C. and Hauser, M.D. 1991. Concept attribution in nonhuman animals: Theoretical and methodological problems in ascribing complex mental processes. Philosophy of Science 58: 221-240.
Hauser, M.D. 1992. Articulatory and social factors influence the acoustic structure of rhesus monkey vocalizations: A learned mode of production? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 91: 2175-2179.
Hauser, M.D. 1992. A mechanism guiding conversational turn-taking in vervet monkeys and rhesus macaques. In: Topics in primatology, Volume 1, Human Origins. pp. 235-248. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press.
Hauser, M.D. and Harcourt, A.H. 1992. Is there sex-biased mortality in primates? Folia primatologica 58: 47-52.
Hauser, M.D. and Marler, P. 1992. How do and should studies of animal communication affect interpretations of child phonological development? In: Phonological development. (eds.) C. Ferguson, L. Menn & C. Stoel-Gammon. pp. 663-680. York Press, Inc., Maryland.
Marler, P., Evans, C. and Hauser, M. 1992. Animal signals? Reference, motivation or both? In: Nonverbal vocal communication: Comparative and developmental approaches. (ed.) H. Papoucek, U. Jurgens, M. Papoucek. pp. 66-86. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Caro, T.M. and Hauser, M.D. 1992. Is there teaching in nonhuman animals? Quarterly Review of Biology. 67: 151-174
Hauser, M.D. 1992. Costs of deception: cheaters are punished in rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 89: 12137-12139.
Hauser, M.D., Evans, C.S. and Marler, P. 1993. The role of articulation in the production of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) vocalizations. Animal Behaviour 45: 423-433.
Hauser, M.D., Teixidor, P., Field, L., and Flaherty, R. 1993. Food-elicited calls in chimpanzees: Effects of food quantity and divisibility. Animal Behaviour 45: 817-819.
Hauser, M.D. 1993. Right hemisphere dominance for the production of facial expression in monkeys. Science 261:475-477.
Hauser, M.D. and Marler, P. 1993. Food-associated calls in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).I. Socioecological factors influencing call production. Behavioral Ecology 4:194-205.
Hauser, M.D. and Marler, P. 1993. Food-associated calls in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) .II. Costs and benefits of call production and suppression. Behavioral Ecology 4: 206-212.
Hauser, M.D. 1993. The evolution of nonhuman primate vocalizations: Effects of phylogeny, body weight and motivational state. American Naturalist 142: 528-542.
Hauser, M.D. 1993. Cry wolf or signalling need: Data from free-ranging vervet monkeys. Animal Behaviour 45: 1242-1244.
Hauser, M.D. 1993. Social influences on the ontogeny of foraging behavior in wild vervet monkeys. Journal of Comparative Psychology 107:1-7.
Hauser, M.D. 1993. Cultural learning: Are there functional consequences? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16(3):524-525
Wrangham, R.W., Conklin, N.L., Etot, G., Obua, J., Hunt, K.D., Hauser, M.D. and Clark, A.P. 1993. The value of figs to chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 14: 243-256.
Allen, C. and Hauser, M.D. 1993. Communication and cognition: is information the connection? Yearbook of the Philosophy of Science 2: 81-91.
Harcourt, A.H., Stewart, K. and Hauser, M.D. 1993. Functions of wild gorilla 'close' calls. I. Repertoire, context, and interspecific comparison. Behaviour 124:89-122.
Hauser, M.D. 1993. Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta ) copulation calls: Honest signals for female choice? Proceedings of Royal Society, London, B 254: 93-96.
Kerbis Peterhans, J.C., Wrangham, R.W., Carter, M.L. and Hauser, M.D. 1993. A contribution to tropical rain forest taphonomy: retrieval and documentation of chimpanzee remains from Kibale Forest, Uganda. Journal of Human Evolution 25: 485-514.
Hauser, M.D. and Schön Ybarra, M. 1994. The role of lip configuration in monkey vocalizations: Experiments using xylocaine as a nerve block. Brain and Language 46: 232-244.
Hauser, M.D. 1994. The transition to foraging independence in free-ranging vervet monkeys. In: Ontogeny of social transmission of food preferences in mammals: basic and applied research (eds., M. Mainardi and B.G. Galef). pp. 165-202, Harwood Academic Press: Reading, UK.
Hauser, M.D., Gardner, L., Goldberg, T. and Trevis, A. 1994. Using language to service social relationships: exaptation but not adaptation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16(4) 706-707.
Hauser, M.D. 1994. How monkeys feel about how they see the world. Language and communication 14: 31-36.
Hauser, M.D. & Andersson, K. 1994. Left hemisphere dominance for processing vocalizations in adult, but not infant rhesus monkeys: Field experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91: 3946-3948.
Hauser, M.D. 1994. Primatology: Some lessons from and for related disciplines. Evolutionary Anthropology 5: 182-186.
Hauser, M.D. and Wolfe, N. 1995. Human language: Are there no nonhuman precursors? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18: 190-191.
Bercovitch, F., Hauser, M.D. and Jones, J.H. 1995. The endocrine stress response and alarm vocalizations in rhesus macaques. Animal Behaviour 49: 1703-1706.
Hauser, M.D. and Caffrey, C. 1995. Anti-predator response to raptor calls in wild crows. Animal Behaviour 48: 1469-1471.
Rauschecker, J.P., Tian, B. and Hauser, M.D. 1995. Processing of complex sounds in the macaque nonprimary auditory cortex. Science 268:111-114.
Fitch, W.T. and Hauser, M.D. 1995. Vocal production in nonhuman primates: acoustics, physiology and functional constraints on honest advertisement. American Journal of Primatology 37: 191-219.
Hauser, M.D., Kralik, J., Botto, C., Garrett, M. and Oser, J. (1995). Self-recognition in primates: Phylogeny and the salience of species-typical traits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92: 10811-10814.
Hauser, M.D. and Tyrrell, G.1984. Old age and its behavioral manifestations: A study on two species of macaque. Folia primatologica 43: 24-35.
Hauser, M.D. 1986. Parent-offspring conflict: Care-elicitation behavior and the "cry-wolf" syndrome. In: Primate ontogeny, cognition, and social behaviour. (ed. J.G. Else and P.C. Lee), pp. 193-203, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Hauser, M.D. 1986. Male responsiveness to infant distress calls in free-ranging vervet monkeys. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 19: 65-71.
Hauser, M.D., Cheney, D.L. and Seyfarth, R.M. 1986. Group extinction and fusion in free-ranging vervet monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 11: 63-77.
Hauser, M.D. and Wrangham, R.W. 1987. Manipulation of food calls in captive chimpanzees: a preliminary report. Folia primatologica 48: 207-210.
Hauser, M.D. 1988. Variation in maternal responsiveness in free-ranging vervet monkeys: a response to infant mortality risk? American Naturalist 113: 573-587.
Hauser, M.D. 1988 Invention and social transmission: new data from wild vervet monkeys. In: Machiavellian Intelligence: Social expertise and the evolution of intellect in Monkeys, Apes, and Humans. (ed. R.W. Byrne and A. Whiten), pp. 327-343, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Hauser, M.D. 1988. How infant vervet monkeys learn to recognize starling alarm calls: the role of experience. Behaviour 105: 187-201.
Hauser, M.D. and Fairbanks, L.A. 1988. Mother-offspring conflict in vervet monkeys: Variation in ecological conditions. Animal Behaviour 36: 802-813.
Hauser, M.D. 1989. Ontogenetic changes in the comprehension and production of vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops ) vocalizations. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 103: 149-158.
Hauser, M.D. 1990. Do female chimpanzee copulation calls incite male-male competition? Animal Behaviour 39: 596-597.
Hauser, M.D. and Wrangham, R.W. 1990. Recognition of predator and competitor calls in nonhuman primates and birds: a preliminary report. Ethology 86: 116-130.